Sunday, March 13, 2011

Crazy times, impending doom, and a quiet place in my head...

Sitting here with my wife feeding our babygirl (1mth) I think on all the crazy disasters and weird times we live in, then I remember all the different things the biblical authors led by the Spirit of GOD wrote about the signs of the returning Messiah... and I can't help but wonder; am I ready? Am I and the Christians I know ready for this?

I believe now would be a good time to start re-evaluating our walk... are we just being those" Christians" who act just like the world? Or are we genuinely I love with Jesus and things we do show it?

Still remains a feeling i've had for a good few weeks now too... there seems to be a vast dark space in my mind. I don't know what it is or where it is coming from but it is a lonely place I keep subconsciously going to. Pray for me, that if I get lost in this dark ocean I don't forget who I am.