Friday, January 22, 2010

Water into Wine

Jesus Christ had a thing for doing amazing miracles. One of the first things He did, was turn water into wine. A dull tasting liquid with no real benefits or problems. Just... water. He turned this water into wine. A sweet yet bitter liquid, that could help in many areas but could also cause problems when used in excess or hurt someone that is intolerant to it.
Taking a cue from my Lord... “He who has ears to hear, them them hear.”

Today... this day... I declare war with the Enemy of God's people. I see the pieces of this puzzle coming together in a way that sparks a flame within me, and is so intense that it is hard to take in the air.

Since I have become a new creature, an alien, an outcast, an exile... I have prayed for wisdom most likely more than anything other gift that Yahweh gives his children. According to the Bible, you must make “your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding;
 3 yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
 4 if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
 5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.
 6 For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;
 7 he stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
he is a shield to those who walk in integrity...” Proverbs 2:2-7 ESV

I have cried out, and I am still searching for truth. I am still searching for wisdom, and the Lord has been gracious to me. Sometimes, I even wonder to myself, if I am learning too much, if God is giving me more than a 1 ½ year old Christian should be in possession with, but then I remember He does not give more than we can bear.

I have recently realized that much of what this world thinks is normal, especially this generation, is a con. Satan has crept in unawares, even into the church of Christ with false doctrines to divide the people of God, and with his deceptions. He has most indefinitely fooled many. Even me, until wisdom was given, and understanding was provided. I am more aware now than ever that I do not belong here. I really do feel as if I am an exile in a foreign land...

Today I declare war. Today, I declare truth. I say to those who follow false doctrines “I declare the truth”. I say to those who follow false gods “I declare truth”. The weapons of warfare however is what makes the battle, and without them I would prevail nothing. The Spirit of the Lord, God's Word, and a heart given to Christ Jesus make this battle victorious. Without these, victory would be lost for the battle is not my own, but the battle belongs to the Lord!

He's turning the water into wine.