Tuesday, July 14, 2009

You Make Me Mad

Hello, how are you doing today?
Ruin any relationships?
Make a person fall from grace today?
You deceiving worm, I'm just tired.

You crawl up my back and veil my eyes.
When i'm not looking you come and like a muse inspire the evil of my flesh.

Someday, when all is said and done, you will burn, and I will not be with you.
So I just wanted to let you know, you make me angry.
You may know everything about me, but you know nothing of what Christ is turning me into.
So get behind me and watch the wonders He does in the heart He gave.

You may know who I used to be, but you know nothing of who I'm becoming.
In Jesus Name.


Dina said...

Wow! I'm glad you got the anger vented.